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Water Leak Detector in Florida | How Much Water Do We Waste?

Water Leak Detector in Florida | How Much Water Do We Waste?

Water Leak Detector in Florida | How Much Water Do We Waste?


Water leaks are not only an inconvenience, they also come at a high cost. When undetected, water leaks can rack up your water bill by wasting this precious resource. As Americans, we waste a significant amount of water each year. This amount can be reduced by contacting a water leak detector in Florida. Here are some surprising statistics showing how much water we waste, and the price we pay.

Water Waste Statistics and Facts

  • One leaking faucet can waste up to 34 gallons of water wasted each year.
  • 900 billion gallons of water goes to waste annually due to household water leaks
  • You can save 8 gallons of water per day just by turning off the water tap while brushing your teeth.
  • 30% of household water use comes from outdoor water use.
  • The average family can save almost 320 gallons of water annually by only running the dishwasher when it is full.
  • 50% of water we use outdoors goes to waste due to runoff by inefficient irrigation, wind, and evaporation.
  • The average American uses 5 gallons of water per minute while taking a shower.
  • It’s estimated that the average American uses 80-100 gallons of water daily.
  • Bathrooms use more than 50% of water in the home.
  • 5-10% of US homes are losing 90 gallons of water a day due to leaks that can be easily fixed.


Save Water with a Water Leak Detector in Florida

There are a variety of ways you and your household can save water and money every year. First, contact Leak Locators, a water leak detector in Florida. In doing so, you can significantly lower your monthly bill and save water.