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Irrigation Leak in Naples | 3 Common Signs Your Sprinkler System is Leaking

Irrigation Leak in Naples | 3 Common Signs Your Sprinkler System is Leaking

Irrigation Leak in Naples | 3 Common Signs Your Sprinkler System is Leaking

If you have a sprinkler system to keep your lawn looking great, you may be at risk for an irrigation leak in Naples. It’s a common problem, and easy to fix – but if you don’t notice it right away, it could cost you a lot in water bills. Other than seeing puddles in your yard, how can you tell if the sprinkler is leaking?

  1. Watch the area around the sprinkler head. One of the signs of an irrigation leak is that the ground will start to erode around the sprinkler itself. This might look like something’s been digging around the sprinkler.
  2. Pay attention to the plant life in your yard. Do you suddenly seem to have a lot of mushrooms in the lawn that wasn’t there before? Fungi thrive in wet environments, and if you haven’t usually seen mushrooms hanging around before, it’s a good idea to wonder why the sudden change. It could be that your yard is offering them a lot more moisture due to a leak.
  1. Watch the concrete around your home. Does your sidewalk, walkway, or concrete patio have mystery puddles? If it hasn’t rained, and your sprinkler doesn’t reach far enough to water the concrete, this is a good sign that water is overflowing from the yard onto the concrete.

If you have seen any of these problems, contact the irrigation leak specialists in Naples. Our office is open 24 hours a day. Call us at (239) 244-2345 or contact us online.

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