Roof Leak in Tampa | What Does a Roof Inspector Look For?
Roof Leak in Tampa | What Does a Roof Inspector Look For?
If you have ever had a roof leak in Tampa, you have probably discovered that the process of fixing the issue can involve several steps. One of the things that are done when a roof needs to be fixed is a roof inspection, sometimes done by the construction company, and sometimes by a professional inspector. But what is it that this part of the process is meant to uncover?
Roof Details
The first thing that will be inspected is the detailed components of the roof. This means things like the overall roof details (the shape, the roofing system, etc.), but also things like the metal flashing, the gutters, and the individual shingles. Inspectors are looking for damage, missing elements, and evidence of moisture.
Roof Dividers
The next thing that will be inspected is any sort of dividers, such as expansion joints. These things are crucial for making sure the roof system is solid and won’t move around.
Other Parts of the Home Structure
Finally, the inspector will look at the walls, the structure of the attic, and other parts of the home that could show signs of strain that may lead to a roof leak some day. Many of these signs are very subtle, and it takes an experienced professional to find all the early signs of problems with a roof.
To schedule an inspection and guard against a roof leak today, call our office in Tampa at (239) 244-2345, or get in touch with us online.
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